Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge of Mark Master Masons
After the successful consecration of the Middlesex Armed Forces Craft Lodge and its continued success in recruiting new members with a similar outlook on life, the discussion soon began as to whether we should carry that enthusiasm forward into other Orders.
The general consensus was that we could look forward to creating both a Middlesex Armed Forces Chapter and a Middlesex Armed Forces Mark Lodge in the coming years.
The discussion then turned to which should come first, Chapter or Mark? In making this decision, the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Eddy Garty seemed to have a quite strong opinion that the Mark Degree should come first, I wonder if this had something to do with him being the Provincial Grand Master of that Degree So, the decision was made, Mark first and a Chapter to follow in a couple of years.
R.W.Bro. Eddy said that he would be honoured if he would be allowed the primus Worshipful Master of the Lodge.
He also suggested that this new Mark Lodge could meet twice a year at the iconic Military based venue of the Union Jack Club in Waterloo.
This immediately created the first problem, if the Provincial Grand Master was to be the primus Worshipful Master, who would consecrate the Lodge. M.W.Bro. Raymond J Smith, the Pro Grand Master of the Mark was approached and said that he would be honoured to carry out that duty.
The founding Secretary of the Craft Lodge, W.Bro. Steve Heynes was duly nominated to be the founding Secretary and was tasked with gathering a list of those who would be interested in this new venture and starting the consecration process.
Almost immediately, W.Bro. Don Campbell, the Treasurer of the Craft Lodge agreed to be the founding Treasurer.
The Craft Lodge had been formed with a membership based on a shared interest and any other order should be based on that same criteria, to have served in one of the Armed Forces of any country.
The Union Jack Club would not only offer a fitting place to meet with the strongest military ties possible but could also offer accommodation to any prospective members who would be willing to join such a gathering.
Obviously Waterloo is outside of the normal boundaries of the Mark Province of Middlesex and so R.W.Bro. David Ashbolt, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of London was approached and readily gave his support and dispensation for the Lodge to meet on a regular basis within his Province.
The recruitment drive began with the Lodge being advertised, not only in Middlesex but London, Kent, Sussex and Surrey Mark Provinces and on the British Military Freemasons page on Facebook.
By the time the Petition was submitted, the Lodge had Forty Eight Founders and Eight potential Advancees coming from locations such as Cyprus, France, Wales, Northern Ireland and even from a different constitution (Scottish)
The Lodge crest was created using the Craft crest as a base but incorporating the adopted colours of the Mark Degree incorporated into the Keystone.
It was decided that the only tradition the Lodge would begin with was that the Top Table should be served last at the Festive Board, a tradition adopted in the Craft Lodge and a long held tradition of all Armed Services.
Steve Heynes
Founding Secretary